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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Locks of Love

Today, for Alyssa's 10th birthday, she got her waist long hair cut! Gasp! This past year she read a book in school called 'Because of Anya'. This book is about a little girl who lost her hair due to illness. Her friend cut her own hair and donated it to Locks of Love to make a wig for Anya. After reading this book, Alyssa mentioned that she would like to do that someday. Well, that day has arrived! Today Alyssa got 12 inches cut off. We will send it to Locks of Love. I'm very proud of her!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's AWESOME! i did the same thing a couple years ago. it's a great feeling to know you're helping someone.

that is a VERY sweet concept for a 10 year old to grasp. very mature decision.

have a beautiful weekend. jill

11:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is such an awesome thing to do!!!!!

11:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alyssa's new do looks real cute! She is looking more and more grown up!


5:34 PM


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