The smallest letter, the least stroke of a pen...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Catch-up and a Challenge

This week we've been concentrating on getting ready for school. Last night we went to our 'Champion Check-in' to see who the new teachers are and get a glimpse of their new classroom plus fill out a truck load of papers, get our carpool number, browse the school store, and join the PTA. They even had a Mad Science demonstration and free food from Xaxby's, Wendy's and Ci'Ci's pizza! I was impressed. They definately did a better job this year. It was more organized and less crowded. We still have a few school supplies left to purchase. Hopefully, I'll get that done today.

This past Sunday, we had a church picnic. They went all out this year! Eastlake rented three shelters near the Saluda Splash at Saluda Shoals Park. All three shelters had food, the kids could play in the Splash, or the playground. They also rigged up a cool downhill slip-n-slide, and even had a dunking booth! But, the highlight of the afternoon was a 'FAMJAM' teaser! FamJam is a monthly one hour family extravaganza that runs on Saturday nights during the school year. The kids love it. At the park, they did a Diet Coke/Mentos demo! The kids were screaming and some of them had umbrellas! It was a lot of fun.

On a less enthusiastic note, a couple of weeks ago we had to buy a new dryer. Now, we have someone coming over this afternoon to replace our AIR CONDITIONER! Contrary to my children's personal opinions sometimes, money does NOT grow on trees! Just keep us in your prayers, please! One small blessing is, it happened now, when the weather is a bit kinder rather than a week or two ago when the whole country was about to spontaneously combust! Last but not least, I am once again responding to a 2peas challenge! I had to interview my family with the following ten questions:

1. What is the funniest thing I do?

  • Roan (almost 4)-Laugh
  • Kai (8) - ???
  • Alyssa (10)- Tickle daddy
  • Daddy- ???
  • Me- As you can see, the men of my family are not cooperating! Either that, or I am just NOT funny!

2. What is my favorite TV show?

  • Roan- Pirates of the Carribean
  • Kai- Passions
  • Alyssa-Passions, Big Brother
  • Daddy-Big Brother
  • Me- OK. My favorite TV show is Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Smallville, House, Bones. But, I can see why they didn't guess that! In my family's defense, none of these shows plays in the summer and Big Brother is about the only thing on, so that's all they see me watching right now. (And I hardly ever watch Passions anymore! Sheesh!)

3. How tall am I?

  • Roan- <------------This big!---------------->
  • Kai- 7 feet
  • Alyssa- 5 feet
  • Daddy- 5'11'
  • Me-5'11'

4. What is my favorite thing to do?

  • Roan-play
  • Kai- Scrap
  • Alyssa- Read
  • Dean-Read
  • Me-yup!

5. What makes me sad?

  • Roan- When people take toys away
  • Kai- ???
  • Alyssa- When I have to discipline them
  • Daddy- The thought of something bad happening to the kids
  • Me-All of the above!

6. What makes me laugh?

  • Roan-When he makes silly faces at me
  • Kai- ???
  • Alyssa- TV shows
  • Daddy- The kids
  • Me- yes, and Dean, too!

7. How much time do I spend on the phone?

  • Roan-<-----This big----->
  • Kai- 3 hours
  • Alyssa- If it's someone I want to talk to, 3 hrs
  • Daddy- Don't know, doesn't matter anymore now that we have Vonage!
  • Me-all right, in my defense, I don't like talking on the phone in general. I don't even like to answer it! However, occasionally I will talk to my sisters for an hour or two.

8. Am I a better driver than Daddy?

  • Roan- yes
  • Kai-no
  • Alyssa-no
  • Daddy-no
  • Me- 'atta boy, Roan, you got my back! LOL! Here's the rundown. If you want to get somewhere fast, you want me, if you want your car to last a long time, you want Dean.

9. What do I do while the kids are at school?

  • Roan- eat lunch
  • Kai- take Roan to playgroup
  • Alyssa-take care of Roan, go to the grocery store
  • Daddy- watch Roan
  • Me- I plead the 5th.

10. What should I be famous for?

  • Roan-toys
  • Kai- Scrapping
  • Alyssa- Singing, drawing
  • Daddy- artwork, photography
  • Me- I'm not sure what Roan's talking about, but *blush*, I wish I was famous for those things!

That's all folks! Have a great week!


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